Bangkok Executive Search is the highest rated recruiting firm in Southeast Asia.

The Bragbook: What Successful Bangkok Professionals All Have

What is a bragbook? A bragbook is a collection of documents which provides evidence of your success to a potential employer.  Typically, they are assembled within a tabbed divider utilizing transparent sheet protectors.    What is the purpose of a bragbook? A bragbook establishes credibility and enhances a potential employer’s sense of confidence that you [...]

By | September 26th, 2016|bangkok job interviews|Comments Off on The Bragbook: What Successful Bangkok Professionals All Have

Bangkok Recruiters Offer Advice on References

Every Bangkok professional submits references as part of their formal job application process and it's important that you handle your references wisely.  As the leading executive search firm in Southeast Asia, we have conducted hundreds of reference checks at the executive level and it's amazing how many top professionals do such a poor job in [...]

By | September 25th, 2016|bangkok job hunting, bangkok job interviews, thai job interviews, thai professional references|Comments Off on Bangkok Recruiters Offer Advice on References