Bangkok Executive Search is the highest rated recruiting firm in Southeast Asia.

Bangkok Recruiters Offer Advice on References

Every Bangkok professional submits references as part of their formal job application process and it's important that you handle your references wisely.  As the leading executive search firm in Southeast Asia, we have conducted hundreds of reference checks at the executive level and it's amazing how many top professionals do such a poor job in [...]

By | September 25th, 2016|bangkok job hunting, bangkok job interviews, thai job interviews, thai professional references|Comments Off on Bangkok Recruiters Offer Advice on References

Bangkok Professionals: Be Careful of These Jobs…

Bangkok companies will never come out and say, "This is a really lousy job and we pay virtually nothing" yet there are certain words used in job descriptions that should signal to you that you may be looking at a position to avoid.  So what are some of the common phrases and words used by human resource [...]

By | September 23rd, 2016|bangkok job hunting, Professional Development|Comments Off on Bangkok Professionals: Be Careful of These Jobs…